Bible study and Christian discipleship are a major priority here at Ebenezer Baptist Church. We want everyone from toddlers to adults studying God's Word, learning Scripture, and seeking ways to apply Biblical principles to everyday life. One way this is accomplished is through our Life Group Sunday School. We want everyone to be connected to a Sunday school group. Being in  a Bible study group not only helps you grow in your faith but also form new friendships with other believers, share prayer concerns, and have opportunities for service. You can pick up a Life Group Sunday School brochure and current student books in the church foyer.
   Listed below are current Life Group Sunday School classes.
NURSERY: (BIRTH — AGE 2) main campus room 109                                                                        
2 & 3 YEAR OLDS: main campus room 108
4 & 5 YEAR OLD/KINDERGARTEN: main campus room 107
GRADES 1 & 2: main campus room 106
GRADES 3 & 4: main campus room 105
GRADES 5 & 6: Heritage Center room 102
GRADES 7 & 8: Heritage Center room 104
GRADES 9 - 12: Heritage Center fellowship hall
YOUNG ADULT: (ADULTS AGE 18  - 30) media arts office
PARENTS: main campus sanctuary
BEREANS: (ADULT CO-ED CLASS) main campus choir room
HOME BUILDERS: (ADULT CO-ED CLASS) Heritage Center room 103
GRACE (WOMEN’S (LADIES CLASS): main campus room102
WILLING WORKERS (WOMEN AGE 60 & UP): main campus room 104
CONQUERORS: (MEN AGES 60 & UP) main campus pastor's office        
   We have revamped our Sunday school and are offering more Bible study options. If you are not involved in a Sunday school class, this is a great time to get connected.
   Listed below is what each class will be studying beginning in September:
They will be following Michael and Emily as they learn about God. This quarter they will explore creation and Noah among other Bible truths.
 GRADES 1 -6: 
Kids will learn to choose wisely, explore how God does amazing things, and the Genesis account of creation..
 Grades 7 - 9: 
The youth in this class will be doing a study entitled "Bible Backroads: The Book of Matthew". This is an overview of the people, places, and events of Matthew's gospel.
 Grades 9 - 12: 
They will be doing a study looking at the lives of various people form Old Testament and New Testament and how God impacted their lives.
Young Adult: 
They are watching The Chosen and examining the Scripture passages that go with each episode.
They are working their way through 99 Essential Christian Doctrines.
   Grace (ladies class) & Home Builders (co-ed class): 
They are using Lifeway curriculum   for the next three months. They will be studying about how life takes on a meaning and richness the world cannot offer when we discover our purpose in Christ. They will also be examining how the Bible can help us deal with family conflicts.
   Bereans (co-ed class) : 
They are going to be studying about the parables of Jesus.
   Friendly Neighbors (co-ed class): 
They are continuing their study of the book of Romans.
   Conquerors (senior adult men) : 
This class will be doing a 13 week study of the book of Acts chapters 13 through 28.
   Willing Workers (senior adult women): 
The ladies in this class will be studying the book of Revelation.
   For more details about our Sunday school, contact Jim Martin.